Reading the waves during a snack break.
How many years have you offered the kid’s surf camp?
This is our third summer running the kid’s surf camp, and our ninth summer operating as a surf school on Cape Cod. We saw that more and more kids wanted to spend an extended period of time in the water and so we designed this program to accommodate all the stoked kids!
Why should a kid spend part of the summer surfing? What’s your philosophy on why surfing is great?
Surfing is an amazing outlet for channeling energy, creativity, and just simply having fun. The progress we see from kids who partake in the camps is remarkable. For me, surfing is all about mindful play – you get out into nature, exert a lot of physical energy, utilize your knowledge of the ocean, and when it all comes together you have the opportunity to slide across the face of a wave, which is pure joy! Cape Cod is the perfect place to learn how to surf in the summertime. The waves are small and friendly, the ocean floor is made up of soft and shallow sandbars, and the weather is beautiful. It is by far one of the most approachable and friendly places to learn in the world. Furthermore, all of our instructors are longtime surfers, as well as CPR and first aid certified.
Anything new/different being offered this year? What is a typical surf camp session like?
This year we are offering two sessions per week from July through August and weekend sessions in September. The kid’s surf camps are three days each and run every Sunday through Tuesday and Wednesday through Friday. We also allow for one or two day bookings if your schedule does not allow you to attend all three days. Camp is four hours each day, and the start time depends on the low tide schedule, so the four-hour window in which we teach is always changing depending on the session. All equipment it provided. You can see our schedule here: https://www.sacredsurfschool.com/offerings/kids-camp/
On day one we run through all the basics of surfing on Cape Cod. This includes: sand bars, winds, tides, currents, and of course, waves. We then run through all the safety guidelines and teach the kids proper surf etiquette. Afterwards, we work on the physical techniques necessary for paddling, balance, and standing up on the board. They get the full rundown. After that we are in the water for an hour and a half working on everything we have learned on shore. The instructors are right there with the campers the whole time – pushing them into waves, helping them get back out past the breakers, and adjusting their technique accordingly.
This is followed by a snack and water break. Then we are back out there again until everyone is tuckered out, typically another hour and a half. We always maintain a one-to-four ratio of instructors to campers to ensure everyone is getting plenty of attention and assistance. Day two and three are run in a similar fashion with less time spent on shore. The kids progress rapidly and begin to work on reading waves, paddling into them on their own, and turning their board. We provide the snacks and water and recommend that the kids pack a towel, sunscreen and a go-get-um attitude. Kid’ surf camps are a blast!

Styling out!
Do campers need to have any prior surf experience?
You do not need any prior experience to join our kid’s surf camp. We accommodate day one beginners and the most seasoned groms. Instructors always start with the basics to ensure everyone has a solid foundation, then campers progress rapidly from there. We generally have a mix of beginner and intermediate surfers, which creates a great atmosphere.
What ages are the most popular?
Typically, students are anywhere from 8-15 years old. It is important that campers feel comfortable in the water and can swim. While we teach on shallow sandbars in which everyone can stand, it is important for campers to be ready to be in the ocean. Of course, as the surf camp progresses we see confidence sky rocket as campers realizes how capable they really are.
Do you see more girls or boys taking interest?
I would say it is roughly the same. We get a lot of siblings, cousins, friends, and many solo campers. Between spending the day at the beach, meeting new friends, surfing, and hanging with our awesome instructors our kid’s surf camps are generally the highlight of the summer!
What happens if the weather is bad?
If the weather and or conditions are unsafe we do everything in our power to reschedule. If this is not possible within your stay, a voucher or refund is processed.
Do kids take a swimming test?
There is not a swimming test, however we ask that all students are confident in their swimming abilities and ready to spend a lot of time in the ocean. The instructors are by their side the entire time and the low tide sandbars make it so everyone can essentially stand in the water.
Party wave!
Anything that kids/parents should know before signing up?
Sacred Surf School is the top surf school on Cape Cod. We have been honing our programs for nearly a decade. The kid’s surf camp is designed for the beginner to advanced surfer looking to set goals and improve rapidly. The amount of time we spend surfing doesn’t allow otherwise. For our campers, it is the highlight of the summer! Kid’s surf camp with Sacred Surf School is a great way to learn something new, get active, and get stoked!